Relationship breakup is a very hurtful situation one can find oneself in, it hurts pretty bad. Sometimes, you're not so sure if breaking up a faulty relationship is the best thing to do. Consequencially, you might miss your ex and find yourself wondering if things are the same for him or her, or maybe you have no lingering feelings but wonder what your ex's strange reactions mean. If you want him or her back in your life and want to determine whether he feels the same way, there are a few clues you can use to confirm or reject your suspicions.
Calls more often
Initiating email messages, text messages and phone calls for no apparent reason other than to say "hi" are all signs that they want to talk to you or let you know they're pretty much still in love with you. Be careful if your ex only seems interested in the physical side of things, however, which could mean that he is just using you.
Concerned about your life
During the course of your conversation with your ex, see how many of your life events your ex is aware of before being told. If your ex knows a great deal about what you've been up to, and the things that has been happening to and around you, chances are, he or she has been following your life closely via social media or other sources, which is a pretty good indication that your ex is still hung up on you.
Happy when you're around, sad when leaving
Another clue to watch out for is to monitor the way your ex reacts when you're around and when you're about leaving. If they feel excited having you around and gloomy when you're leaving, it means they want you around them. They just can't can't say it with words.
Try to impress you
If your ex isn't over you, they might try to win you back by impressing you. If they looking for some serious attention from you, they might might become a braggart and talk about a recent success in their life. All of these things point to a strong desire to impress.
Act of jealousy
If your ex get annoyed or angry when they see you flirting or sweet talking with someone else who fancies you is also a sign of them still in love with you. If you see annoyance written all over your ex’s face, or if they snap at you when you have a happy conversation with another person of the opposite sex, it means they are unwilling to let you go.
When you ask your ex how they doing and they are always candid and open, its a sign they miss you. If they are honest about thier feelings for you, it could indicate that they still feel like a team with you.
Talk to you about important stuff
If they need your input before making big decisions, it indicates they still need you in their life. If your ex always share the most important part of thier life with you without witholding any information might also be a sign they trust you and seem to believe you can't hurt them in any way.
Too much co-incidences
After your breakup, you might notice that you run into your ex a lot. There are some instances when a coincidence really might be a coincidence, but if you run into each other a lot, there might be something more behind it. It probably means they are tying so hard to get noticed by you.
Stuck in the past
If your ex continually talks about how he or she felt during your relationship or questions what went wrong, your ex might be seriously pining away for you still.
Wait for it
If your ex misses you so much that it hurts, they may eventually break down and come right out and say it. If your ex wants you back, they’d open up to you and tell you that they still miss you. If your ex talks about how they miss being with you or spending time with you, or if they express how warmly they feel about the relationship, it also means they want you back in their life.